Wellness Docs, LLC Licensing and Copyright


"Wellness Docs, LLC" and the Wellness Docs, LLC logo are trademarks owned by Wellness Docs, LLC. These trademarks are registered or are in the process of being registered, and they signify the quality and standards upheld by our services.

Trademark Usage:

The use of the Wellness Docs, LLC trade name, logo, or any associated trademarks is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of Wellness Docs, LLC. Unauthorized reproduction, imitation, or use of the trademarks in any form or through any means is not permitted.

Address for Permission Requests:

Requests for written permission to use Wellness Docs, LLC's trademarks should be directed to:
Wellness Docs, LLC
Attn: Legal Department
11123 Montgomery Rd #105
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249
Email: [email protected]

Independent Operation:

Wellness Docs, LLC operates as a network of independently owned and operated franchise locations. Each location is committed to maintaining the high standards and uniformity associated with the Wellness Docs, LLC brand.